
MENUDO PLAN.. Recibo la oferta especial de Elaine, neoyorquina de origen hongkonés, a quien conocí en Londres hace meses durante un viaje que ella hizo de Holanda al Reino Unido. Su proyecto se llamaba We throw parties (la página sale en blanco, pero bajando la barra de la derecha y haciendo click en el texto, se accede a ella).

Entre otras cosas, proponía organizar tu vida como una cinta de varios (uhm, me temo que mi traducción no es muy buena).

Me llega ahora el último número de Plan B, donde se lee, valga la interpretación no literal, que el amor es una película, y las películas tienen siempre un The End.

Me/nos propone un viaje de Dallas a NYC. ¿Amor on the road?

Plan B Special Offer

On 3 January 1992, Sophie Calle departed with Greg Shephard on a cross-country drive from New York to San Francisco. She wanted to be with him, and he dreamed of making movies. To get him to follow her, she had suggested that they make a film during the trip about their life together. Nine months later in San Francisco, just before writing the words ‘the end’ on their movie, she discovered that their relationship was over.

In April of 2003, while I was living in the UK, Tetsuo Mukai came to stay in London for one week. During that time, we attempted to make a documentation of how many times we were logged by London surveillance cameras. Based upon the cameras we noticed, 57 photos were taken during the course of the day on Sunday the 27th. I only realise it now, but these photos marked the beginning of the end of our relationship.

In August of this summer, I will be driving south to north, Dallas to New York City, and I would like you to come with me. During the trip we can take pictures or not, maybe make a movie of our life together. Perhaps our love will last

No encuentro su nueva website. Tal vez, hallándola, Elaine podría cumplir su deseo de describírme/nosla mejor. Sería:


Publicado el viernes, 18 de febrero de 2005, a las 13 horas y 18 minutos

Ilustración de Toño Benavides
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